Thursday, June 10, 2010

Final (Battle)

I wish I had a twin. If I had a twin my life would be totally different. If I had a twin then I could do the whole twin switcheroo that happens in movies, and they'd help me out when I don't study for my biology test. It would be like having a clone which is kind of cool but also kind of creepy. I would always have someone to talk to, and I know that she'd understand me because we'd be the same peron. We could help each other picking out clothes because we would have the same fashion sense because we would be the same person. I would never feel scared at night when the night crawlers come because we would share a room. We would laugh at all the same jokes because we would have the same type of humor. She would watch all the same shows that I watch because she would have the same taste in comedy that I have. I would love to have twin. She would give great advice because she has been through everyting that I've been though, and she would understand me best. She would always laugh at my jokes because she would not want to hurt my feelings, and I would do the same for her. She would be my best firend, and I would be hers but I don't have twin, so that won't happen. So, yeah. Sucks for me.

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