Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Final (villanelle)

Let’s make something beautiful with the mess we’ve made,
And we should dance with the trash left out on the street
Running through the night, maybe we were too afraid

To make some lemonade,
Out of burned out dreams and smelly lunchmeat.
Let’s make something beautiful with the mess we’ve made.

We should take this song, that has been overplayed,
And the remembrance of the past and make it sweet.
Running though the night, maybe we were too afraid

To rebuild this burned down arcade
That’s hidden in the shadows the backstreet.
Let’s make something beautiful with the mess we’ve made.

Sprinting down the boulevard, tossing hand grenades
Over our shoulders, our worn down sneakers were hitting the concrete.
We thought; let’s make something beautiful with the mess we’ve made.
Running through the night, maybe we were too afraid.

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